Payroll administration is often a time consuming task that can drain internal resources. This challenge can be mitigated by outsourcing your payroll functions. Pro HR will provide solutions that will optimize your payroll management and provide the following benefits:
Save Time & Money
Much time and attention is required to calculate payroll, print and distribute checks, as well as prepare and remit taxes. When handled inefficiently, payroll administration can turn into a financial liability. Pro HR will help you instantly create time and transform your payroll department into a company asset.
Focus on Core Activities
By freeing up time and resources, you and your employees can better focus on the core activities that directly impact your bottom-line.
Reduce Risk
Payroll mistakes create headaches for administrators, upset employee’s, and can cause problems with the Government. Our solutions will ensure that your payroll is accurate, your business is compliant and that all filings are completed on time.
Access to Cutting Edge Technology
As your company grows so does the need for forms, employee records, and better reporting tools. Employees benefit from self-service options that provide access to their payroll records. Technology is key to helping businesses stay competitive, function efficiently and have crucial information at their fingertips. Clients of Pro HR will gain access to the most cutting edge technology available.